Blog articles
An ongoing collection of my writings and other news. I encourage you to read and ask questions should you need any clarification on any of the content below. Much more to come!
Can Buildings Take Vacation Too? (Part II)
Are these rotating roof vents driven by wind, stack effect, or exhaust fans? Back in October, I wrote a blog post called “Can Buildings Take Vacation Too?” about the potential need
Can Buildings Take Vacation Too?
This question has come up several times in the last few years: what sort of moisture issues do we need to be concerned about if a building is “shut
Wingnut Testing of Soffit-to-Ridge Venting, Round 3
In the first two rounds of soffit-to-ridge vent Wingnut testing (see Round 1 and Round 2 ), I used a simple and small easel test rig to simulate what
Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral (Part II)
An environmental microscopist’s perspective In part I of this blog, we looked at some puzzling examples of unidentified substances from buildings I have investigated over the years and discussed
Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral (Part I)
Is there a simple way to determine if something is alive, ever was? There is black mold that looks a lot like particulate and both or either can show
First Look at Tstuds
Does this new wall truss one-up double-stud walls and continuous exterior insulation? High-performance exterior walls typically handle thermal bridging at framing members in one of two ways—either the building